Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mousehunt Hydro Traps Comparison Sheet

Here's a comparison sheet comparing the stats and everything about the hydro traps in Mousehunt. A sort of a walkthrough though. This guide also talks about the pros and cons of each trap and it also includes a description.

Check out the guide here:

Here's a preview of the guide. Again Im sorry for enlarged pictures as there's some html problem going on on the site. So yeah. Happy Hunting :)


Mousehunt Physical Traps Comparison Sheet

Here's (press on the 'here') a comparison sheet comparing the physical traps in Mousehunt. This sheets covers most of the physical traps. Hope you all might like it :) Good luck hunting!

Here's a preview of the comparison sheet. (Im so sorry for super enlarged picture traps)

Friday, July 15, 2011